Well-known local historian William Casey has taken it upon himself to save two titles of immense importance from disappearance so that this and future generations may enjoy them.
While researching history projects William came across some illustrated books that are long out of print. “They were such a find, and it saddened me to think that they were no longer available for others to read and enjoy the incredible sketches they contained.” So Coolim Books was born to bring these works to a wider audience and to save out of print books from being lost forever. The two books recently published by William do just that.
The first is A List of Ancient and National Monuments in the County of Cork by Robert Cochrane. It was originally published in 1913 and includes beautifully illustrated descriptions of the six sites in Cork then under the control of the Board of Works – St. Keiran’s Church (Cape Clear), Sherkin Island Friary, Timoleague Friary, Kilcrea Friary, Buttevant Friary and St. Molaga’s Church. This work also includes lists of other monuments in Cork, such as ogham stones, cromlechs, round towers, and a comprehensive list of castles in the county.
The other title dates from 1895. It is St. Multose Church Kinsale: As it was, and is, and ought to be by the Rev. John Lindsey Darling. It used architectural drawings, sketches and photographs to illustrate the history of this church, its state in the 1890s and the alterations that were proposed to restore it to its former self. While the Rev. Darling’s vision for the church was never fulfilled, this richly illustrated volume gives us a unique insight into the history and structure of this beloved building.
Bringing these books back into print was a labour of love for William, and his aim is that a modern audience can once again enjoy these works for themselves. They can be purchased in bookshops throughout Cork, or for more information, visit www.coolimbooks.com